RS编译码算法的实现 c程序

时间:2013-08-11 10:34:35
文件名称:RS编译码算法的实现 c程序
更新时间:2013-08-11 10:34:35
RS编译码 This program is an encoder/decoder for Reed-Solomon codes. Encoding is in systematic form, decoding via the Berlekamp iterative algorithm. In the present form , the constants mm, nn, tt, and kk=nn-2tt must be specified (the double letters are used simply to avoid *es with other n,k,t used in other programs into which this was incorporated!) Also, the irreducible polynomial used to generate GF(2**mm) must also be entered -- these can be found in Lin and Costello, and also Clark and Cain.


  • 感觉还是挺不错的
  • 可以用,但是写的不太好。
  • 应该可以运行
  • 试着运行了,感觉有点不对
  • 不过希望还是能多给点注释 = =b 作为初学编码的新人,表示自己写个BCH,注释占用了一半以上才能看懂,不会忘掉程序含义……c语言写的确实很容易理解……