MetaCost A General Method for Making Classifiers Cost-Sensitive

时间:2014-12-12 05:54:01

文件名称:MetaCost A General Method for Making Classifiers Cost-Sensitive



更新时间:2014-12-12 05:54:01


Research in machine learning, statistics and related fields has produced a wide variety of algorithms for classification. However, most of these algorithms assume that all errors have the same cost, which is seldom the case in KDD prob- lems. Individually making each classification learner costsensitive is laborious, and often non-trivial. In this paper we propose a principled method for making an arbitrary classifier cost-sensitive by wrapping a cost-minimizing procedure around it. This procedure, called MetaCost, treats the underlying classifier as a black box, requiring no knowledge of its functioning or change to it. Unlike stratification, MetaCost is applicable to any number of classes and to arbitrary cost matrices. Empirical trials on a large suite of benchmark databases show that MetaCost almost always produces large cost reductions compared to the cost-blind classifier used (C4.5RULES) and to two forms of stratification. Further tests identify the key components of MetaCost and those that can be varied without substantial loss. Experiments on a larger database indicate that MetaCost scales well.
