The school psychologist as a behavioral consultant: A project in behavior modification in a public school setting

时间:2024-07-19 13:42:39

文件名称:The school psychologist as a behavioral consultant: A project in behavior modification in a public school setting



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:42:39

学术 论文

The school psychologist as a behavioral consultant: A project in behavior modification in a public school setting STRUCTUR,AL AND AFFECTIVE ASPECTS OF CLASSROOM CLIMATE 253 REFERENCES ANDERSON, G. The reliability and validity of a measure of classroom climate. Unpublished manu- script, Harvard University, 1967. BEREITER, C. Multivariate analysis of the behavior and structure of groups and organizations. In R. B. Cattell (Ed.), Multivariate ezperimental psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally
