Deep Reinforcement Learing

时间:2020-11-17 07:05:50
文件名称:Deep Reinforcement Learing
更新时间:2020-11-17 07:05:50
深度学习 增强学习 2016机器学习暑期学校-强化学习专场-所有PPT,英文介绍如下: The machine learning summer school series was started in 2002 with the motivation to promulgate modern methods of statistical machine learning and inference. It was motivated by the observation that while many students are keen to learn about machine learning, and an increasing number of researchers want to apply machine learning methods to their research problems, only few machine learning courses are taught at universities. Machine learning summer schools present topics which are at the core of modern Machine Learning, from fundamentals to state-of-the-art practice. The speakers are leading experts in their field who talk with enthusiasm about their subjects. This page contains links to past and current schools, as well as the tentative plans for the next years. Note that the videos of many past MLSS courses are available at Videolectures.
Sutton - Temporal-Difference Learning- RLSS 2017.pdf
Hasselt - Deep Reinforcement Learning - RLSS 2017.pdf
Abbeel - RL Policy Optimization - RLSS 2017.pdf
Szepesvari - Theory of RL - RLSS 2017.pdf
Thomas - Safe Reinforcement Learning - RLSS 2017.pdf
Pineau - RL Basic Concepts - RLSS 2017.pdf
Chintala - PyTorch.pdf
