更新时间:2016-07-03 06:29:06
{*******************************************************************************} {* *} {* EMS Advanced Data Import Component Suite *} {* *} {* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013 EMS Database Management Solutions, Inc *} {* *} {*******************************************************************************} 15-04-2013 Version 3.80 1. Each value of the imported field can be processed using expressions in MS JScript. To the TQImportFieldFormat class the TqiStrings Script property containing the script code is added. To the TQImport3 basic class the ScriptEngine property of TQImport3ScriptEngine type is added. This property contains a reference to the component that will execute a script. The TQImport3ScriptEngine is the basic type, it sets the program logic and located in the QImport3ScriptEngine.pas module. It inherited the TQImport3JscriptEngine class, which works with the TScriptControl object from the QImport3MSScriptControlTLB.pas module in the context of MS JScript. You can also write your successor of the TQImport3ScriptEngine class to implement random script syntax. For TQImport3JscriptEngine the scrip execution result corresponds to the last variable value. If you want to use a filed value in the script, you need to specify the field name enclosed in percent signs -% in TQImportFieldFormat.Script. Below there is an example showing how to get a field value, convert it to number and increase on a numeric value of the current month: // FieldName means a filed name R = %FieldName%; var D = New Date(); k = parseInt(R) + D.getMonth() + 1; If a script for the field is set, it will have the highest priority in the field processing. I.e. the generator will not start, if it is set, etc. 2. Now, instead of the imported field value the following values can be substituted: current date, current time, current date and time, full name of the imported file, short name of the imported file. To the TQImportFieldFormat class the Functions property of TQImportFunctions = (ifNone, ifDate, ifTime, ifDateTime, ifLongFileName, ifShortFileName) type is added; 3. QImport3HTML. Data from the files was imported. Fixed now. 4. If format masks correspond to system masks, they were not saved in the dfm file. Fixed now. 5. QImport3Xlsx. The InlineStr cell values were not imported. Fixed now. 6. QImport3ASCII. Some errors occurred while working with CSV files. Fixed now. 7. Other improvements and bug fixes.