Apache Wicket Cookbook.pdf

时间:2022-09-05 04:18:13
文件名称:Apache Wicket Cookbook.pdf
更新时间:2022-09-05 04:18:13
Apache Wicket Cookbook Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Validating and Converting User Input 7 Introduction 7 Performing form-level custom validation 7 Creating a custom validator 12 Composing multiple validators into a single reusable validator 18 Converting string inputs to objects 23 Chapter 2: Getting Down and Dirty with Forms and Form Components 33 Introduction 33 Creating linked selectboxes 34 Composing multiple form components into a single reusable component 39 Preventing multiple form submits 45 Protecting against spam with a CAPTCHA 55 Chapter 3: Making Forms Presentable 61 Introduction 61 Changing form component CSS class on validation errors 62 Using FeedbackPanel to output form component specific messages 65 Streamlining form component presentation using behaviors 67 Chapter 4: Taking your Application Abroad 75 Introduction 75 Storing module resource strings in package properties 76 Retrieving a localized string 80 Feeding dynamic localized strings to components using StringResourceModel 84 Using wicket:message to output localized markup 86 Overriding localized resources on a case by case basis 89 ii Table of Contents Chapter 5: Displaying Data Using DataTable 95 Introduction 95 Sorting 96 Filtering 100 Making cells clickable 106 Making rows selectable with checkboxes 110 Exporting data to CSV 120 Chapter 6: Enhancing your UI with Tabs and Borders 129 Introduction 129 Creating tabs with dynamic titles 130 Making a tabbed panel play nice with forms 136 Creating a client-side JavaScript tabbed panel 140 Using borders to decorate components 143 Creating a collapsible border 148 Chapter 7: Deeper into Ajax 157 Introduction 157 Adding Ajax validation to individual form components 158 Blocking until an Ajax request is complete 162 Providing Ajax feedback automatically 168 Chapter 8: Visualizing Data with Charts 177 Introduction 177 Charting with Open Flash Chart 178 Feeding chart data using a SharedResource 191 Responding to clicks 199 Chapter 9: Building Dynamic and Rich UI 207 Introduction 207 Swapping components using a select box 208 Creating dynamic forms 214 Creating a dynamic portal layout 222 Chapter 10: Securing your Application 235 Introduction 235 Creating a login page and forcing the user to log in 236 Authenticating with OpenID 243 Securing components using 251 IAuthorizationStrategy 251 Securing URLs and protecting against cross-site request forgery 258 Switching from HTTP to HTTPS and back again 260 iii Table of Contents Chapter 11: Integrating Wicket with Middleware 263 Introduction 263 Integrating with Spring 264 Integrating with CDI 268 Populating repeaters from a JPA query 272 Creating a model for a JPA entity 282 Chapter 12 This chapter is not present in the book but is available as a free download from: http://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/ 1605_Chapter12.pdf Index 291
