Behavior Designer - Movement Pack 1.5.4

时间:2021-07-19 16:12:30
文件名称:Behavior Designer - Movement Pack 1.5.4
更新时间:2021-07-19 16:12:30
BhaviorDesig Unity2018 movement pac 最新版本 unity角色行为AI系统Behavior Designer - Movement Pack 1.5.4 所支持的Unity版本:4.6.0 及以上版本 Requires Behavior Designer Behavior Designer - Movement Pack contains 17 different behaviour tree tasks focused on both 2D and 3D movement. In addition to covering all of the AI steering behaviors, some tasks provide unique functionality such as finding cover or hearing if an ob ject is within range. Three tasks - flock, leader follow, and queue - provide an excellent example of controlling multiple AI agents with just a single behavior tree. The Movement Pack is integrated with the Third Person Controller allowing for movement with mecanim's root motion. Tasks support the following: - Unity's Navigation Mesh - A* Pathfinding Project - Apex Path - Poly|Nav Each task is well commented and written in a generic and clean way making it very easy to integrate into your own project. This pack will continue to grow as we hear new task suggestions from the community. ↓↓↓↓↓↓插件仅用于学习,禁止商用,为了维护您的个*益,请支持正版↓↓↓↓↓↓
