文件名称:DOTween Pro 0.9.550
更新时间:2019-12-19 07:15:17
Unity插件, DOTween Pro
版本:DOTween Pro 0.9.550 DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween, implementing new features both for scripting and visual scripting, including extra features for these external assets (if present): - 2D Toolkit - TextMesh Pro VISUAL ANIMATION EDITOR A Component that allows to animate some of its gameObject's properties without scripting: Move, Fade, Color, Rotate, Scale, Punch, Shake, Text, Camera properties and more. Works also with 2D Toolkit and TextMesh Pro objects. Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events. VISUAL PATH EDITOR A Component that allows you to animate its gameObject along a path. Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events. VISUAL EDITOR MANAGER An extra Component that can be added from a Path or Animation Editor. It allows to set additional actions to execute when its gameObject is activated or deactivated (especially useful when using a pool system) ADDITIONAL DOTWEEN SCRIPT FEATURES - Additional shortcuts for 2D Toolkit and TextMesh Pro, if present. - DOSpiral shortcut.