游戏引擎精粹 Game Engine Gems

时间:2013-08-20 15:31:15
文件名称:游戏引擎精粹 Game Engine Gems
更新时间:2013-08-20 15:31:15
游戏 引擎 精粹 本书为学习交流之用,如果喜欢请购买正版。 Game Engine Gems, Volume One 362 pages Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 1 edition (March 5, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0763778885 ISBN-13: 978-0763778880 Game Engine Gems brings together in a single volume dozens of new articles from leading professionals in the game development industry. Each gem presents a previously unpublished technique related to game engines and real-time virtual simulations. Specific topics include rendering techniques, shaders, scene organization, visibility determination, collision detection, audio, user interface, input devices, memory management, artificial intelligence, resource organization, and cross-platform considerations. A CD-ROM containing all the source codes and demos accompanies the book.


  • 很不错的经典书~~
  • 讲的不是很深入? 搞笑, 那我想说你真是大牛了。 我看目录基本都看不懂 如果不是对引擎有很深的研究, 不要下这个书, 讨论的都是深奥的算法问题
  • 很不错的游戏开发资料,基本都是算法
  • 虽然讲得不是很深入,但是算引擎界不错的书了,毕竟专门讲引擎的书太少了。虚幻3一家独大啊。