Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos2D Game Development

时间:2014-01-26 07:25:18

文件名称:Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos2D Game Development



更新时间:2014-01-26 07:25:18

iPad pdf Apress iphone

Apress 2010 Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos2D Game Development provides a rock-solid introduction to the cocos2d iPhone game engine and related tools. It focuses on the process of creating several games made entirely with cocos2d and little to no iPhone SDK and OpenGL code. By creating 2-3 sample games over the course of the book, you'll learn key concepts of the cocos2d game engine and relevant tools like Zwoptex (TextureAtlas), ParticleDesigner (Particle Effects), and others. The example games are modeled after popular App Store games so that they are relevant, recognizable, and immediately fun and inspiring. The games increase in complexity and highlight common recurring cocos2d beginner questions. As you move along, you'll learn about possible stumbling blocks and how to navigate them successfully. As you move from beginning to advanced, you'll encounter general game programming wisdom, tips for performance improvement, as well as pointers to alternative implementations and further reading. It is assumed that the reader has previous programming knowledge but not necessarily with Objective-C. Related topics such as Xcode, Objective-C, the iPhone SDK, and OpenGL are only discussed where absolutely necessary. What you'll learn * Familiarity with the core cocos2d game engine API and the Box2d physics engine * Understanding of the process and best practices of game development, in the context of cocos2d and its related tools * Enthusiasm and excitement to create your own games paired with a realization that you are able to create games which can compete on the App Store * Where to go from here: further information and alternative implementations Who this book is for The book is aimed at beginning game developers looking for an easier and even more powerful way to create compelling 2D graphics using OpenGL and Objective-C. It is assumed that the reader will have some knowledge of object-oriented programming and the Apple and iPhone/iPad developer environment. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430233036/buythisbooks-20


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  • 读源码,看看API的用法就行了,新也一样