文件名称:Mad Level Manager 关卡管理
更新时间:2018-10-06 08:28:50
关卡管理 unity 游戏开发
unity关卡选择关卡锁定源码Mad Level Manager,强大的关卡生成源码,支持解锁功能、屏幕保存、屏幕加载、分数,c#脚本,支持PC, Mac, Android, iOS, and WP8等平台 Features: - PlayMaker integration - Rich API (levels, saving & loading, graphics) - Mesh fonts support (BMFont, Glyph Designer) - Level groups (worlds) - Extensions (loading screens, scores, etc.) - Working examples for different configurations - Two full high-quality themes - WYSIWYG interface with inspector integration - Can be used in C#, ja vasc ript and Boo projects - C# Sources included - Tested on PC, Mac, Android, iOS, and WP8 - Works with Unity and Unity Pro >= 3.5.5