Digital Signal Processing A Computer Science Perspective

时间:2014-10-13 04:29:43
文件名称:Digital Signal Processing A Computer Science Perspective
更新时间:2014-10-13 04:29:43
DSP I know what you are asking yourself--‘there are a lot of books available about DSP, is this book the one for me?’ Well that depends on who you are. If 1. you are interested in doing research and development in one of the many state-of-the-art applications of DSP, such as speech compression, speech recognition, or modem design, 2. your main proficiency or science rather than is in computer science, abstract mathematics,electronics or electrical engineering, 3. your math ematical background is relatively strong (flip back now to the appendix-you should be comfortable with about half of what you see there), then you are definitely in the target group of this book.
0471295469.Stein J. Digital_Signal_Processing--computer_science_perspective_2nd_ed..pdf


  • 书很清晰,而且适合于程序员入手,有一些跟信号处理太相关的可以略去
  • DSP的经典教材,有书签,不错的资源
  • 经典的教材, 深入浅出, 条理清晰
  • 书很清晰,不错
  • 非常實用的DSP教材值得推薦
  • 经典教材,不枯燥,很容易看懂。
  • 不错,内容覆盖全面,好书,值得一读。
  • 数字信号乃大热门,站在计算机角度来看,该如何看,等我看完再来好好说一番
  • Good Book! 适合学习DSP。
  • 网上有推荐这本书的。下来看看。挺清晰的,还有书签。
  • 书本文字比较清晰,国外的教材确实比较好