Docker Orchestration

时间:2021-01-21 10:12:02
文件名称:Docker Orchestration
更新时间:2021-01-21 10:12:02
docker Docker containers are a powerful tool for building and deploying services consistently and reliably. As the number of containers increases, they also become a problem to manage. The problem is only exasperated when the containers are run on multiple hosts. This book shows you how to get started bringing order to the chaos through orchestration. This book starts by showing you how to get started with Docker then delves into the building blocks that are needed for a Docker cluster. It shows you how to use the "Big Three" orchestration tools—Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesosphere. It will also introduce two additional tools, Fleet and Cattle, which can be simpler to use and install, but very powerful. Finally, you will be introduced to tools that make life simpler for people managing clusters and developers creating images that will be run. You will explore tools to monitor clusters and see where the performance bottlenecks are. You will see how to use continuous integration to consistently and reliably build, test, and deploy Docker images. Finally, this book will show you how to apply the same principles to the hosts that Docker is running on.
