文件名称:C++17 Standard Library Quick Reference A Pocket Guide to Data Structures
更新时间:2022-09-05 20:13:25
C++17 Standard Library Reference Data
The C++ Standard Library is a collection of essential classes and functions used by millions of C++ programmers on a daily basis. Being part of the ISO Standard of the C++ Programming Language, an implementation is distributed with virtually every C++ compiler. Code written with the C++ Standard Library is therefore portable across compilers and target platforms. The Library is more than 25 years old. Its initial versions were heavily inspired by a (then proprietary) C++ library called the Standard Template Library (STL), so much so that many still incorrectly refer to the Standard Library as “the STL.” The STL library pioneered generic programming with templated data structures called containers and algorithms, glued together with the concept of iterators. Most of this work was adapted by the C++ standardization committee, but nevertheless neither library is a true superset of the other.