SKILL 语言学习教程

时间:2012-01-03 06:00:51

文件名称:SKILL 语言学习教程



更新时间:2012-01-03 06:00:51


The SKILL programming language lets you customize and extend your design environment. SKILL provides a safe, high-level programming environment that automatically handles many traditional system programming operations, such as memory management. SKILL programs can be immediately executed in the Cadence environment. SKILL is ideal for rapid prototyping. You can incrementally validate the steps of your algorithm before incorporating them in a larger program. Storage management errors are persistently the most common reason cited for schedule delays in traditional software development. SKILL’s automatic storage management relieves your program of the burden of explicit storage management. You gain control of your software development schedule. SKILL also controls notoriously error-prone system programming tasks like list management and complex exception handling, allowing you to focus on the relevant details of your algorithm or user interface design. Your programs will be more maintainable because they will be more concise. The Cadence environment allows SKILL program development such as user interface customization. The SKILL Development Environment contains powerful tracing, debugging, and profiling tools for more ambitious projects.


  • 其实我想说这是candence安装文件夹里自带的,你要10分,真的没关系吗。。。
  • 虽然是英文的,但是很有价值,可以参考看看。
  • 怎么说呢,,这篇将Skill的,虽说全是英文,但我们这些学技术,,迟早是要过这一关的,很好,一般看,不懂的单词就有道,,讲的也很全,,很难得,,,真心谢谢,,网络很强大啊,,CSDN很牛啊,,,,,
  • 资料不错,,,东西很全,,
  • 一般般吧,我感觉,全是英文
  • 资料不错,,,东西很全,,如果有中文就更强大了!