
时间:2014-01-04 05:27:28
更新时间:2014-01-04 05:27:28
profibus profibus通信协议 PROFIBUS is a fieldbus system, which is in widespread use all over the world. PROFIBUS fulfils the requirements for the interconnection of intelligent field devices in manufacturing, process and building automation. This publication contains the normative parts of the PROFIBUS-FMS / -DP / -PA specification according to the European fieldbus standard EN 50 170. These normative parts are supplemented by profiles and guidelines of the PROFIBUS user organisation (PNO). Both, the normative parts as well as the profiles and guidelines are published by PROFIBUS International, a world-wide organisation of more than 650 users of the PROFIBUS technology. PROFIBUS International is represented by regional user groups in 20 important industrial countries (see annex).


  • 挺全的,谢谢楼主了
  • 找了很久了,终于找到了!太好了
  • 文档不错,我找了很久了,谢谢楼主
  • 很不错的文档,谢谢楼主
  • 好详细的啊,非常感谢楼主!
  • 真的很有价值
  • 谢谢。就是不太清晰。
  • 此协议主要用于双线的中远距离的通信,如485通信等,它可以保证传输的可靠性,是非常实用的现场总线标准,可为大家提供最有效的传输方案,谢谢楼主分享。
  • 文档真的很有价值. 一点遗憾: 影印版,清晰度稍差,不方便引用.
  • 哇塞,这个文档也太详细了,楼主真是太伟大了。 文章详细从硬件层,链路层,应用层讲述了profibus-dp的全部协议,一看就是制定Profibus-DP的原始文档,真的很不错。 不过稍微有点遗憾就是文档都是英文,看起来稍微有点恼火!!