文件名称:Introduction to Machine Learning (Second Edition)
更新时间:2015-01-19 10:42:54
监督学习 维数精简 非参数法 增强学习 图模型
1 Introduction 1 2 Supervised Learning 21 3 Bayesian Decision Theory 47 4 Parametric Methods 61 5 Multivariate Methods 87 6 Dimensionality Reduction 109 7 Clustering 143 8 Nonparametric Methods 163 9 Decision Trees 185 10 Linear Discrimination 209 11 Multilayer Perceptrons 233 12 Local Models 279 13 Kernel Machines 309 14 Bayesian Estimation 341 15 Hidden Markov Models 363 16 Graphical Models 387 17 Combining Multiple Learners 419 18 Reinforcement Learning 447 19 Design and Analysis of Machine Learning Experiments 475 A Probability