Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software

时间:2022-03-04 09:46:35
文件名称:Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software
更新时间:2022-03-04 09:46:35
Testing Quality Assu The widespread development and reuse of software components is regarded by many as one of the next biggest phenomena for software. Reusing high-quality software components in software development has the poten- tial for drastically improving the quality and development productivity of component-based software. However, the widespread reuse of a software component with poor quality may literally lead to disasters. Component- based software engineering involves many unique characteristics, some of which have unintended consequences and side effects. The primary goal of this book is to elaborate on these characteristics, point out possible strengths and weaknesses, and develop methodologies to maximize the quality and pro- ductivity potentials associated with development and reuse of software com- ponents. Software testing is one of the most important phases in software engineering, and it plays a pivotal role in software quality assurance. This book focuses on testing and the larger context of quality assurance.
