Professional Ajax

时间:2011-04-26 10:17:42
文件名称:Professional Ajax
更新时间:2011-04-26 10:17:42
Ajax PDF web 书名:Professional Ajax

How This Book is Structured
This book begins by providing background about the origins of Ajax before moving into actual
implementation. Next, the various ways to accomplish client-server communication are
discussed, setting the stage for the rest of the book. It is recommended that you read the book
straight through, as each chapter builds on information in the previous chapters.
The chapter-level breakdown is as follows:
ƒ Chapter 1: "What Is Ajax?" This chapter explains the origins of Ajax and the
technologies involved. It describes how Ajax developed as the Web developed and who, if
anyone, can claim ownership of the term and techniques.
ƒ Chapter 2: "Ajax Basics." This chapter introduces the various ways to accomplish
Ajax communication, including the hidden frame technique and XMLHttp. The advantages
and disadvantages of each approach are discussed, as well as guidelines as to when each
should be used.
ƒ Chapter 3: "Ajax Patterns." This chapter focuses on design patterns using Ajax. There
are a variety of ways to incorporate Ajax into web sites and web applications; these have
been organized into a handful of design patterns that describe best practices for Ajax
ƒ Chapter 4: "XML, XPath, and XSLT." This chapter introduces XML, XPath, and XSLT
as complementary technologies to Ajax. The discussion centers on using XML as a data
transmission format and using XPath and XSLT to access and display information.
ƒ Chapter 5: "Syndication with RSS/Atom." This chapter deals with using Ajax together
with the data syndication formats RSS and Atom to create a web-based news aggregator.
ƒ Chapter 6: "Web Services." This chapter brings web services into the Ajax picture.
Examples of how to call web services from the client are explained, as well as how to
create server-side proxies to work around browser security restrictions.
ƒ Chapter 7: "JSON." This chapter introduces JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as an
alternate data transmission format for Ajax communications. Advantages and
disadvantages over using XML and plain text are discussed.
ƒ Chapter 8: "Web Site Widgets." This chapter brings the techniques from the previous
chapters into focus by creating Ajax widgets that can be included in your web site.
ƒ Chapter 9: "AjaxMail." This chapter walks you through the development of a complete
web application, AjaxMail. This application is an Ajax-based e-mail system that uses many
of the techniques described earlier in the book.
ƒ Chapter 10: "Ajax Frameworks." This chapter covers three Ajax frameworks:
JPSPAN for PHP, DWR for Java and JSP, and Ajax.NET for the .NET framework. Each of
these frameworks attempts to automate some part of the Ajax development process.
Professional Ajax.pdf


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