文件名称:robotic system motion in simMechanics and MATLAB GUI.pdf
更新时间:2023-01-26 10:12:37
simechanics GUI
Analysis of Robotic System Motion in SimMechanics and MATLAB GUI Environment。 Robots present considerably complicated electromechanical systems with mutual interactions of robot mechanics and drives, at design of which the mechatronic approach should be taken into consideration. The computer modeling presents such basic tool for mentioned mecha‐ tronic approach. When designing control of a robot, we need to know necessary torque and angle of rotation of each motor, to visualize behavior of the robot, and to obtain mathematical model of each part. Generally, this inverse kinematic task is not solvable analytically and the numerical calculation often entails difficulties. The design of a control law for the drive system is also connected with the need of transfer function derivation and with simulation of dynam‐ ical properties of the robot mechanical system as a whole.