
时间:2016-06-16 11:06:16
更新时间:2016-06-16 11:06:16
WDR3.6 硬盘专修工具 西数硬盘专用修复工具能备份的所有固件,使用WDR首先要将硬盘切换到IDE模式,否则找不到硬盘,可以在winpe下使用,但是不要在要修复的硬盘下打开, 程序放置:c:\work1\wdc 即可运行! 西数硬盘清零工具可以复位smart G转P表 。 功能如下: 保存ROM文件: Save flash Contents -> ROM.bin file. 写ROM文件: Write ROM.bin. 保存ROM中固件模块: Save L ROMFirmware. 写ROM中固件模块: Write L ROMFirmware. 重复写ROM中固件模块:repeat Write L ROMFirmware. 保存固件模块: Save L Firmware. 写固件模块: Write L Firmware. 重复写固件模块: repeat Write L Firmware. 写单个固件模块: write SingleModule file to the drive 保存全部磁道镜像: Save ROYL all reserved cylinders. 写全部磁道镜像: write head image files to all reserved cylinders. 写0磁头全部磁道镜像: write L head0 image files to all reserved cylinders. 写1磁头全部磁道镜像: write L head1 image files to all reserved cylinders. 保存硬盘全部文件: Save L ALL SA backups. (ROM、ROMFirmware、Firmware、reserved cylinders) 检查单个模块: Check Single Reserved File. 检查全部模块: Check All Reserved Files. 初始化硬盘: initialized harddisk. 清除复位SMART: clear smart. 砍磁头: Head Depop. 内部格式化: Format 改变硬盘容量: capacity change for harddisk 显示自校流程: show the L SF sequence. 设置自校起始步: change pointer to the L SF. 写硬盘型号: write L MODEL. 写硬盘SN号: Write L SN. 查看G表: SHOW L GLIST. 查看GD表: SHOW L GDLIST. 查看P表: SHOW L PLIST. 查看PD表: SHOW L PDLIST. 清除G表: clear L GLIST. 清除GD表: clear L GDLIST. 清除P表: clear L PLIST. 清除PD表: clear L PDLIST. 开始自校: Start SelfTest harddisk. 结束自校: End SelfTest harddisk. 加载LDR: Load Permanent Overlay 制作LDR: Make Permanent Overlay 保存ROM文件: Save flash Contents -> ROM.bin file. 写ROM文件: Write ROM.bin. 保存ROM中固件模块: Save L ROMFirmware. 写ROM中固件模块: Write L ROMFirmware. 重复写ROM中固件模块:repeat Write L ROMFirmware. 保存固件模块: Save L Firmware. 写固件模块: Write L Firmware. 重复写ROM中固件模块:repeat Write L Firmware. 保存全部磁道镜像: Save ROYL all reserved cylinders. 写全部磁道镜像: write head image files to all reserved cylinders. 保存硬盘全部文件: Save L ALL SA backups. (ROM、ROMFirmware、Firmware、reserved cylinders) 检查单个模块: Check Single Reserved File. 检查全部模块: Check All Reserved Files. 初始化硬盘: initialized harddisk. 清除复位SMART: clear smart. 砍磁头: Head Depop. 内部格式化: Format 改变硬盘容量: capacity change for harddisk 显示自校流程: show the L SF sequence. 设置自校起始步: change pointer to the L SF. 写硬盘型号: write L MODEL. 写硬盘SN号: Write L SN.
WDR 3.6


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