TetGen-A quality tetrahedral mesh generator and 3D Delaunay triangulator

时间:2021-05-06 14:50:35
文件名称:TetGen-A quality tetrahedral mesh generator and 3D Delaunay triangulator
更新时间:2021-05-06 14:50:35
TetGen说明 网格生成 网格处理 TETGEN is a C++ program which can create a 3D mesh of tetrahedrons, suitable for use in finite element or finite volume calculations, with the mesh satisfying the 3D Delaunay criterion. The program is by Hang Si. For a 3D point set, the program generates the Delaunay tetrahedralization and the convex hull. For a 3D domain, in which the user has defined boundaries, the program can generate additional internal points, which are then organized into a boundary-constrained conforming quality Delaunay mesh.
