文件名称:OpenGL Programming Guide Ninth Edition.pdf
更新时间:2022-02-10 03:28:12
OpenGL开发指南英文第九版 What This Guide Contains This guide contains the following chapters: • Chapter 1 , “Introduction to OpenGL ,” provides a glimpse into what OpenGL can do. It also presents a simple OpenGL programand explains the essential programming details you need to know for the subsequent chapters. • Chapter 2 , “Shader Fundamentals ,” discusses the major features of the OpenGL Shading Language and SPIR-V, demonstrating how to initialize and use themwithin an application. • Chapter 3 , “Drawing with OpenGL ,” describes the various methods for rendering geometry using OpenGL, as well as some optimization techniques for making rendering more efficient. • Chapter 4 , “Color, Pixels, and Fragments ,” explains OpenGL’s processing of color, including how pixels are processed, how buffers are managed, and rendering techniques focused on pixel processing. • Chapter 5 , “Viewing Transformations, Culling, Clipping, and Feedback ,” details the operations for presenting a three-dimensional scene on a two-dimensional computer screen, including the mathematics and shader operations for the various types of geometric projection. • Chapter 6 , “Textures and Framebuffers ,” discusses combining geometric model s and imagery for creating realistic, highly detailed three-dimensional models. • Chapter 7 , “Light and Shadow ,” describes simulating illumination effects for computer graphics, focusing on implementing those techniques in programmable shaders. • Chapter 8 , “Procedural Texturing ,” details the generation of textures and other surface effects using programmable shaders for inc reased realismand other rendering effects. • Chapter 9 , “Tessellation Shaders ,” explains OpenGL’s shader facility for managing and tessellating geometric surfaces. • Chapter 10 , “Geometry Shaders ,” describe an additional technique for modifying geometric primitives within the OpenGL rendering pipeline using shaders. • Chapter 11 , “Memory ,” demonstrates techniques using OpenGL’s framebuffer and buffer memories for advanced rendering techniques and nongraphical uses. • Chapter 12 , “Compute Shaders ,” introduces the newest shader stage, which integrates general computation into the OpenGL rendering pipeline.