更新时间:2022-07-31 04:49:06
// the heatmapFactory creates heatmap instances
var heatmapFactory = (function(){
// store object constructor
// a heatmap contains a store
// the store has to know about the heatmap in order to trigger heatmap updates when datapoints get added
var store = function store(hmap){
var _ = {
// data is a two dimensional array
// a datapoint gets saved as data[point-x-value][point-y-value]
// the value at [point-x-value][point-y-value] is the occurrence of the datapoint
data: [],
// tight coupling of the heatmap object
heatmap: hmap
// the max occurrence - the heatmaps radial gradient alpha transition is based on it
this.max = 1;
this.get = function(key){
return _[key];
this.set = function(key, value){
_[key] = value;
}设置热力图展现的详细数据, 实现之后,即可以立刻展现 @param {Json Object } data{"max" : {Number} 权重的最大值,
"data" : {Array} 坐标详细数据,格式如下
{"lng":116.421969,"lat":39.913527,"count":3}, 其中
lng lat分别为经纬度, count权重值添加*图的详细坐标点@param {Number} lng 经度坐标@param {Number} lat 经度坐标@param {Number} count 经度坐标