更新时间:2012-03-01 14:16:34
IBM Netcool Webtop
This guide describes how to install, administer, and use Netcool/Webtop. The following chapters an appendixes describe each functional area, and task-oriented examples are provided to assist users and administrators in configuring and using the application. About this Guide This book is organized as follows: • Chapter 1: Introduction on page 11 provides an introduction to Netcool/Webtop and how it communicates with Netcool/OMNIbus. • Chapter 2: Deployment on page 17 describes how to install, license, configure, and upgrade Netcool/Webtop. It also discusses different deployment scenarios you may encounter. • Chapter 3: Configuring Netcool/Webtop 2.0 on page 53 discusses post-installation configuration tasks. It describes how to establish or modify communications with one or more Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer datasources, and how to configure Netcool/Webtop session and environmental properties. • Chapter 4: Getting Started on page 85 describes how to login to Netcool/Webtop, and provides an overview of the Netcool/Webtop pages and components. • Chapter 5: Creating Pages on page 105 provides instructions on how to create and edit Netcool/Webtop pages, including a worked example. • Chapter 6: Users and Groups on page 129 describes the different kinds of Netcool/Webtop users and gives an overview of the user administration tasks that can be performed within Netcool/Webtop. • Chapter 7: Filters, Views, and Entities on page 139 describes how to create filter and view combinations called entities, and apply them to the Active Event List (AEL). • Chapter 8: Maps on page 155 describes how to use the Netcool/Webtop map administration tools to create map applets for use in web pages. • Chapter 9: The Event Lists on page 181 describes how to configure the Active Event List (AEL) using the provided filtering and view building tools, and how to manage alerts received from Netcool/OMNIbus. It also provides information on using the Lightweight Event List (LEL) and the tableview. • Chapter 10: Tools and Menu Administration on page 239 describes the different tool applications supplied with Netcool/Webtop, and also describes how to administer menus. • Chapter 11: File Management on page 257 describes how to upload information to the Netcool/Webtop server. • Chapter 12: Netcool/Webtop Advanced Utilities on page 263 describes the advanced administrative utilities provided on the Webtop Admin page. • Chapter 13: Charts on page 273 describes how to create and configure the data charting features. • Chapter 14: Webtop Administration API on page 305 describes how to use the Netcool/Webtop Administration API (WAAPI) utility, and the procedure for sending XML configuration instructions to the Netcool/Webtop server. • Appendix A: HTML Map Reference on page 341 provides a reference for the HTML map command language, and describes how to use the HTML Map Editor component. • Appendix B: SmartPages and Templates on page 349 describes how to use SmartPage tags in web pages to dynamically generate Netcool/Webtop page components.