
时间:2021-04-22 13:29:56
更新时间:2021-04-22 13:29:56
NBU 手动备份 在一个定义的调度上执行 在master server上运行 执行一个立即的备份 什么是手动备份? 测试一个配置. 从新执行一次失败的备份 在升级前保护旧的数据 什么时候执行一个手动备份? 使用图形界面. 运行 bpbackup 命令 怎样执行一个手动备份? Manual Backups allow you to perform the backup immediately, on demand. Don’t confuse manual backups with user-directed backups. A manual backup is an immediate backup while a user-directed backup is an interactive backup that allows the user on the client to interactively choose the files they want to be backed-up. Manual backups basically just run an automatic schedule on demand. Manual backups do not require an open window, so a manual backup can be run any time you want. However, manual backups do count against frequency. Why would you want to run a manual backup? You’d run a manual backup to test your configuration. Or, if you want to resubmit a missed or failed job, you would run a manual backup. Or, if you want to preserve an old configuration prior to implementing a change, that might be another reason to run a manual backup. For example, you know that you are going to do an upgrade tonight, which is Thursday, and the last full backup was on Sunday. You would want to do a manual backup prior to Thursday’s change, so you have a more recent full backup than last Sunday’s. You can invoke a manual backup either from the GUI, by highlighting the policy and right-clicking it, and then selecting manual backup. Or, you can run the b-p-backup command. By the way, the b-p-backup command with the dash I is the manual backup and without the “–i” would be a user-directed backup.
