
时间:2021-04-26 09:36:24
更新时间:2021-04-26 09:36:24
微软 移动开发 WP 设计到部署 IIS Web 服务器 ASP.NET 和 MMIT 开发时 运行时 产生移动web程序 加入内部逻辑 设计演示层 (控制) XML Web Service 定制 应用程序 防御性编程 部署 应用程序总体设计 测试 Now that you have seen what the MIT can do – let’s review how a developer would build a mobile Web Application and how that application would function in production. You will notice that the diagram has a development environment and a production environment designated. The servers used for mobile Web applications built with the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit must have IIS (Internet Information Services), the .NET Framework and the Mobile Internet Toolkit runtime installed. What the Developer Does The developer starts by creating a mobile Web Form (using the designer or text editor) They create the presentation layer using the mobile controls They “hook up” the business logic (XML Web Services, server side objects, databases, etc) using standard .NET Framework mechanisms They test on target devices– since the rendering logic is handled by the mobile controls the developer can save a lot of time by testing their mobile application on a few key devices but does not have to test on the full range of supported devices. The developer posts the Mobile Page to the web server in the form of a .aspx file (same file extension of ASP.NET files) What Happens in Production It is important to note that the web server must be IIS running the .NET Framework and the Mobile Internet Toolkit for the automatic rendering to work at runtime. A device makes an HTTP request to a server. The request may have gone through a WAP gateway and have been converted from a WAP request; if the web server is on a corporate intranet the device may go through a mobile proxy server to gain access to the corporate intranet. The device may be on a Wireless LAN using 802.11 to make the HTTP request – regardless once it is a HTTP request the Mobile Internet Toolkit functionality handles the request. The user agent string from the HTTP request is referenced with the mobile Device Capabilities and the requested aspx file is accessed. The aspx file uses the mobile controls that have been installed. Based on the device capabilities information the mobile controls generate the appropriate mark-up language and display for that device and return that information in a HTTP response. How Extensibility Works The mobile controls support devices through mobile device capabilities and device adapters that know how to render for a “particular device or class of device” (similar to printer drivers). The toolkit ships with device adapters for the following mark-up languages HTML; cHTML; WML 1.1. Device idiosyncrasies are handled within these core devices at production time. However this system is designed to be extensible as new devices enter the market. If a “new device” enters the market but is very similar to existing devices already supported in device adpaters (e.g. same browser) it may just work with no additional effort, or you might need to update the Device Capabilities section with the new user agent string and capabilities and “use” an existing device adapter. If a radically new cutting edge device like Microsoft Smart Phone Platform enters the market you will need to update the device capabilities with the user agent string and write new device adapters to take full advantage of all of the features that the Smart Phone Platform supports. By deploying a new device adapter – all of your existing applications will work with this new device – they did not need to be re-authored.
