
时间:2017-04-04 06:14:59
更新时间:2017-04-04 06:14:59
DOA 压缩感知 CS 国内外关于压缩感知DOA估计的文献集合;包括压缩采样阵列,压缩采样波达方向估计,贝叶斯压缩感知DOA估计,MUSIC压缩感知DOA估计等等
----Bearing Estimation via Spatial Sparsity using CS.pdf(3.99MB)
----Digital beam forming and compressive sensing based DOA estimation in MIMO arrays.pdf(374KB)
----Performance analysis for sparse support recovery.pdf(363KB)
----bayesian DOA()
--------A bayesian CS strategy for DOA estimation.pdf(99KB)
--------Bayesian CS for DOA estimation.pdf(99KB)
--------DOA based on modified Bayesian CS method.pdf(547KB)
--------MUSIC DOA estimation with CS and or compressive arrays.pdf(585KB)
--------CS MUSIC revisiting the link between CS and array signal processing.pdf(6.81MB)
--------CS MUSIC with optimized partial support for joint sparse recovery.pdf(714KB)
----direction estimation using compressive sampling arry processing.pdf(231KB)
----high resolution DOA estimation based on CS with novel compression matrix.pdf(860KB)
----A Unified Approach to Sparse Signal Processing.pdf(22.28MB)
----Direction estimation under CS A review and experimental results.pdf(517KB)
----spatial CS for DOA estimation of multiple sources using dynamic sensor arrays.pdf(5.02MB)
----DOA estimation in the presence of array signal coupling.pdf(406KB)
----location and bearing estimation via structured sparsity models.pdf(394KB)
----Support recovery in CS for Estimation of DOA.pdf(152KB)
----Spatial CS for DOA estimation with bias mitgation via expected likelihood.pdf(562KB)
----A compressive beamforming method.pdf(244KB)


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