更新时间:2012-05-07 12:32:18
Implement 4 windows (A, B, C, D) using VS2005 (You can use MFC to create window). Each window should output a value repeatedly every half of a second: the A window should output the sum of (B+C+D);the B window should output a random number; the C window should output a Fibonacci value, with the parameter coming from B window; the D window should output a prime number。The A window should provide two buttons: Start/Stop button and Pause/Continue button. 1. At the beginning, Only A window is visible, and there are two buttons on it: Start button is enabled, and Pause button is disabled. 2. Clicking the Start button in A will cause the other three assistant windows to be created and show up. At the same time the Start button’s caption will be changed to Stop, the Pause button will be enabled. All 4 windows start outputting values. 3. When clicking the Pause button in A, all 4 windows should stop outputting values; Pause button’s caption will be changed to Continue. The output goes on when clicking Continue 4. All the three assistant windows should be closed after clicking Stop button.