Learning Apache Kafka, 2nd Edition

时间:2018-03-23 05:26:00

文件名称:Learning Apache Kafka, 2nd Edition



更新时间:2018-03-23 05:26:00

kafka cluster apache

Kafka is one of those systems that is very simple to describe at a high level but has an incredible depth of technical detail when you dig deeper. Learning Apache Kafka Second Edition provides you with step-by-step, practical examples that help you take advantage of the real power of Kafka and handle hundreds of megabytes of messages per second from multiple clients. This book teaches you everything you need to know, right from setting up Kafka clusters to understanding basic blocks like producer, broker, and consumer blocks. Once you are all set up, you will then explore additional settings and configuration changes to achieve ever more complex goals. You will also learn how Kafka is designed internally and what configurations make it more effective. Finally, you will learn how Kafka works with other tools such as Hadoop, Storm, and so on.


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  • 资源可用,谢楼主
  • Nice 很好,很实用!
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  • 学习kafka很好的教程,感谢楼主的分享。
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  • 还不错,就是排版有点问题
  • 很好的应用资料,感谢分享
  • 第二版 学习学习