Event Processing in Action PDF

时间:2019-05-02 09:07:28

文件名称:Event Processing in Action PDF



更新时间:2019-05-02 09:07:28


对于EDA, EDP领域是本很好的入门书。通过一个比较实际的应用例子,让读者体会到在某些领域,以事件为中心建模的解决方案是更好的方法。更自然、更松耦合,更具扩展性。 Part 1. 没啥可说的。与request-response pattern interaction做了对比。EDA大部分应用场景应该也是分布式环境,所以它的特点包括了分布式系统的特点。 Part 2. 从过程式编程的角度来理解,做个对比。如果将EPN(Network)比作一个函数的话,Event Producer是函数参数,Consumer是返回值(多返回值)。而每个EPA就是一个表达式。Context是临时数据,而Global State就是全局数据。差别就在于EPN中元素带有时间次序。简单地说就是用EPA来表达业务逻辑对Event编程。 本书最核心的是Flower Store例子,需要仔细体会,学习设计思路。。。具体CEP系统的实现细节、适用场景基本是没有的。各种EPP Language对复杂事件的表达能力比较是没有的。所以只能定位为入门书了。 Unlike traditional information systems which work by issuing requests and waiting for responses, event-driven systems are designed to process events as they occur, allowing the system to observe, react dynamically, and issue personalized data depending on the recipient and situation. Event Processing in Action introduces the major concepts of event-driven architectures and shows how to use, design, and build event processing systems and applications. Written for working software architects and developers, the book looks at practical examples and provides an in-depth explanation of their architecture and implementation. Since patterns connect the events that occur in any system, the book also presents common event-driven patterns and explains how to detect and implement them. Throughout the book, readers follow a comprehensive use case that incorporates all event processing programming styles in practice today.
