时间:2016-01-20 06:55:24

文件名称:MADEDIT 多标签



更新时间:2016-01-20 06:55:24


MADEDIT 多标签 MadEdit v0.2.9.1 - 精巧實用的文字編輯器 MadEdit 是個精巧的文字編輯器, 具備了許多功能如: 語法顏色顯示、 支援多種編碼(Big5,GBK,UTF-8/16/32)並可隨時改變編碼、 十六進位/區塊模式、 正規表示式搜尋/取代。 MadEdit 目前在 Linux 與 Win32 平台上都可執行, 也有中文語系檔,對中文支援良好。 介面簡單清爽,開啟程式快速, 是居家必備的文字編輯器。 * MadEdit can run under Linux, FreeBSD and MS-Windows platforms. * Edits files in Text, Column and Hex modes. * In Hex-Mode, MadEdit can open large files which size is up to 32GB (INT_MAX*16). * Users can change the encoding of files at runtime like Web-Browsers. * Supports many encodings, e.g. Unicode(UTF-8, UTF-16/32 with Little or Big Endian), Big5, GBK and S-JIS etc. * Supports Unicode CJK Ext-B. * If users input a character that is not supported by current encoding, this character will be converted to U+XXXX. Unicode format. * Regular Expression search & replace (by using Boost.Xpressive). * Opens multiple files on single instance. * Supports syntax-highlighting of many programming languages, e.g. awk, C/C++, CSS, diff/patch, D, DOS Batch Script, Flash ActionScript, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Lua, Pascal, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, UNIX Shell Script, x86 Assembly, XML, Fortran, TeX/LaTeX, Squirrel, C#, Visual Basic, ASP(VBScript), SQL, Verilog, VHDL. * MadEdit can view ASCII-Art files under Win32 platform. 哇哇評: MadEdit是我常常使用的一套文字編輯工具,使用的時機之前有介紹過 當然對我來說除了GB轉BIG5很方便之外 重點他還可以有直列編輯的功能,縱向編輯有時還頗實用的。 p.s.他的圖示真是太可愛了一點
