更新时间:2021-12-23 17:45:19
压缩感知 书
压缩感知理论与应用全书,共12章,各章标题如下: 1. Introduction to compressed sensing Mark A. Davenport, Marco F. Duarte, Yonina C. Eldar and Gitta Kutyniok; 2. Second generation sparse modeling: structured and collaborative signal analysis Alexey Castrodad, Ignacio Ramirez, Guillermo Sapiro, Pablo Sprechmann and Guoshen Yu; 3. Xampling: compressed sensing of analog signals Moshe Mishali and Yonina C. Eldar; 4. Sampling at the rate of innovation: theory and applications Jose Antonia Uriguen, Yonina C. Eldar, Pier Luigi Dragotta and Zvika Ben-Haim; 5. Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices Roman Vershynin; 6. Adaptive sensing for sparse recovery Jarvis Haupt and Robert Nowak; 7. Fundamental thresholds in compressed sensing: a high-dimensional geometry approach Weiyu Xu and Babak Hassibi; 8. Greedy algorithms for compressed sensing Thomas Blumensath, Michael E. Davies and Gabriel Rilling; 9. Graphical models concepts in compressed sensing Andrea Montanari; 10. Finding needles in compressed haystacks Robert Calderbank, Sina Jafarpour and Jeremy Kent; 11. Data separation by sparse representations Gitta Kutyniok; 12. Face recognition by sparse representation Arvind Ganesh, Andrew Wagner, Zihan Zhou, Allen Y. Yang, Yi Ma and John Wright.
Chapter 03 Xampling Compressed Sensing of Analog Signals.pdf
Chapter 06 Adaptive Sensing for Sparse Recovery.pdf
Chapter 01 Introduction to Compressed.pdf
Chapter 09 Graphical Models Concepts in Compressed Sensing.pdf
Chapter 05 Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices.pdf
Chapter 04 Sampling at the Rate of Innovation Theory and Applications.pdf
Chapter 02 Second_generation_sparse_modeling_structured_and_collaborative_signal_analysis.pdf
Chapter 08 Greedy_algorithms_for_compressed_sensing.pdf
Chapter 07 Fundamental_thresholds_in_compressed_sensing_a_high_dimensional_geometry_approach.pdf
Chapter 11 Data Separation by Sparse Representations.pdf
Chapter 10 Finding_needles_in_compressed_haystacks.pdf
Chapter 12 Face_recognition_by_sparse_representation.pdf