Documenting Software Architectures 2nd

时间:2014-07-12 02:55:51
文件名称:Documenting Software Architectures 2nd
更新时间:2014-07-12 02:55:51
Documenting Software Architectures The purpose of this book is to answer the following question: How do you document an architecture so that others can successfully use it, maintain it, and build a system from it?


  • 非常好的一本书
  • 没有下载成功
  • 第二版的,找了很久,不错的书籍
  • this is really a good one
  • 绝对经典的一本好书,architecture 必读
  • 第二版,很清晰。非常感谢楼主分享!
  • 第二版的,增加soa相关的东西,不错的
  • 的确是新版本的。不错的参考书籍