
时间:2017-12-12 04:40:55
更新时间:2017-12-12 04:40:55
session跨域 class Session { //mysql的主机地址 const db_host = "localhost"; //需要第三方指定ip地址 //数据库用户名 const db_user = "root"; //需要第三方指定自己的用户名 //数据库密码 const db_pwd = ""; //需要第三方指定自己的库据库密码 //数据库 const db_name = "thinkphp"; //需要第三方指定数据库 //数据库表 const db_table = "tbl_session"; //需要第三方指定数据表 //mysql-handle private $db_handle; //session-lifetime private $lifeTime; function open($savePath, $sessName) { // get session-lifetime $this--->lifeTime = get_cfg_var("session.gc_maxlifetime"); // open database-connection $db_handle = @mysql_connect(self::db_host, self::db_user, self::db_pwd); $dbSel = @mysql_select_db(self::db_name, $db_handle); // return success if(!$db_handle || !$dbSel) return false; $this->db_handle = $db_handle; return true; } function close() { $this->gc(ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')); // close database-connection return @mysql_close($this->db_handle); } function read($sessID) { // fetch session-data $res = @mysql_query("SELECT session_data AS d FROM ".self::db_table." WHERE session_id = '$sessID' AND session_expires > ".time(), $this->db_handle); // return data or an empty string at failure if($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) return $row['d']; return ""; } function write($sessID, $sessData) { // new session-expire-time $newExp = time() + $this->lifeTime; // is a session with this id in the database? $res = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".self::db_table." WHERE session_id = '$sessID'", $this->db_handle); // if yes, if(@mysql_num_rows($res)) { // ...update session-data @mysql_query("UPDATE ".self::db_table." SET session_expires = '$newExp', session_data = '$sessData' WHERE session_id = '$sessID'", $this->db_handle); // if something happened, return true if(@mysql_affected_rows($this->db_handle)) return true; } else // if no session-data was found, { // create a new row @mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".self::db_table." ( session_id, session_expires, session_data) VALUES( '$sessID', '$newExp', '$sessData')", $this->db_handle); // if row was created, return true if(@mysql_affected_rows($this->db_handle)) return true; } // an unknown error occured return false; }
