
时间:2017-05-09 15:14:58
更新时间:2017-05-09 15:14:58
WinRing0 How to Use Common Put WinRing0.dll, WinRing0x64.dll, WinRing0.sys, WinRing0x64.sys, and WinRing0.vxd into the directory where your application's executable file resides. Visual C++ 2005/2008 See also sample application. Load-Time Dynamic Linking Add WinRing0.lib or WinRing0x64.lib to your project. Add #include "OlsApi.h" statement to your source file. Call InitializeOls(). Call GetDllStatus() to check error. Call the library's functions. Call DeinitializeOls(). Reference : Load-Time Dynamic Linking (MSDN) Run-Time Dynamic Linking Add #include "OlsApiInit.h" statement to your source file. Call InitOpenLibSys(). Call GetDllStatus() to check error. Call the library's functions. * Call DeinitOpenLibSys(). *If you would like to call the library's functions on other source files, you should add #include "OlsApiInitExt.h" statement to the source files. Reference : Run-Time Dynamic Linking (MSDN) Visual C# 2005/2008 See also sample application. Put OpenLibSys.cs into your project. Add using OpenLibSys; statement to your source file. Call GetStatus() and GetDllStatus() to check error. Call the library's functions. *Supported platform target is "x86", "x64" and "Any CPU". But WinRing0 does not support "IA64".


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