functional python programming second edition(英文版)

时间:2021-05-09 11:14:43
文件名称:functional python programming second edition(英文版)
更新时间:2021-05-09 11:14:43
python 函数式编程 第二版 This book is for programmers who want to create succinct, expressive Python programs by borrowing techniques and design patterns from functional programming languages. Some algorithms can be expressed elegantly in a functional style; we can—and should—adapt this to make Python programs more readable and maintainable. In some cases, a functional approach to a problem will also lead to extremely high-performance algorithms. Python makes it too easy to create large intermediate data structures, tying up memory (and processor time.) With functional programming design patterns, we can often replace large lists with generator expressions that are equally expressive but take up much less memory and run much more quickly.


  • 这本书的编排有些怪,比如目录怪
  • 无语 ,缩小版本的。字很小,大家别下。没转换好。楼主能不能用好点的转换器?楼主用的什么转换器。但还是感谢楼主