
时间:2012-10-28 15:24:00
更新时间:2012-10-28 15:24:00
MCSE,2003,教程 微软官方教程,自学资料,英文版 About book Welcome to MCSE Training Kit-Microsoft Windows XP Professional. This kit introduces you to the Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system and prepares you to install, configure, and support Windows XP Professional. This kit prepares you to install Windows XP Professional from a CD-ROM or over the network, to perform unattended installations of Windows XP Professional, and to install Windows XP Professional using Remote Installation Services (RIS) and the System Preparation tool. It also prepares you to upgrade previous versions of Windows to Windows XP Professional, to perform postinstallation updates and product activation, to avoid problems during installation, and to troubleshoot problems you might encounter during installation. This kit introduces the various tools for administering, configuring, and troubleshooting Windows XP Professional. These tools include Microsoft Management Console (MMC), Group Policy snap-in, Local Computer snap-in, Task Scheduler, Task Manager, Control Panel, Device Manager, Event Viewer, the registry, Help and Support Center, and the various troubleshooters included with Windows XP Professional. You will also learn about the network protocols and services that ship with Windows XP Professionals. This kit concentrates on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), the network protocol of choice for Windows XP Professional. It introduces you to the Domain Name System (DNS), which is an Internet and TCP/IP standard name service, and is required for Microsoft Windows 2000 domains and directory services based on Active Directory technology. This training kit also covers setting up, configuring, administering, and troubleshooting common problems for network printers. It helps you understand NTFS permissions, special permissions, and shared folder permissions, and prepares you to assign and troubleshoot permissions. It covers auditing resources and events, configuring security settings and Internet options, managing data storage, and more.
70-270 Windows XP.chm
