Bender-Gestalt Test and social interactions of kindergarten children: Effects of socialization practices

时间:2024-07-19 13:05:51

文件名称:Bender-Gestalt Test and social interactions of kindergarten children: Effects of socialization practices



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:05:51

学术 论文

Bender-Gestalt Test and social interactions of kindergarten children: Effects of socialization practices HENDER-GESTALT TEST AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS OF KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN : EFFECTS OF SOCIALIZATION PRACTICES1 AIICHAELA LIFSHITZ IJiiirersily of Haifa, Haifa, Israel The present study assessed the extent to which kindergarten children’s per- formance on the Uender-Crednlt Test is related to sex arid sociociilt.ura1 vari- ables on the one hand, and to children’s social behavior on the
