文件名称:Exploring ES6(中文版)
更新时间:2021-09-22 16:40:20
Javascript ES6
这本书比阮一峰老师那本《ES6入门》更深入,翻译质量也挺好的,值得一读。 翻译版权归译者。 Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers Most of the following books are free to read online. I hope you’ll like them so much that you’ll buy the offline versions. — Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (author of the 2ality blog) The books Versions of JavaScript “ES” stands for “ECMAScript” (ES6 is ECMAScript 6, etc.). Past versions: ES1, ES2, ES3, ES5, ES6 (also: ES2015), ES2016, ES2017 Current version: ES2018 Next version (in progress): ES2019