BABOK v2.0

时间:2017-10-06 04:25:01
文件名称:BABOK v2.0
更新时间:2017-10-06 04:25:01
babok v2.0 英文原版 The Body of Knowledge Committee was formed in October of 2004 to define and draft a global standard for the practice of business analysis. In January of 2005, IIBA® released version 1.0 of A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) for feedback and comment. That version included an outline of the proposed content and some key definitions. Version 1.4 was released in October of 2005, with draft content in some knowledge areas. Version 1.6, which included detailed information regarding most of the knowledge areas, was published in draft form in June of 2006 and updated to incorporate errata in October of 2008. This publication supersedes A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge®, Version 1.6. Following the publication of version 1.6, IIBA® sought out a number of recognized experts in business analysis and related fields and solicited their feedback on the content of that edition. Their comments were used to plan the scope of this revision. IIBA® volunteers then worked to define a structure for version 2.0 and developed the revised text, which was made available to the business analysis community for review in 2008. During that exposure period, IIBA® also solicited feedback from industry experts and business analysis practitioners through a formal review process. IIBA® received thousands of comments during this process, and this document has been revised to incorporate as many of those comments as possible.
