文件名称:[Ioc容器] Spring.NET 1.3.2
更新时间:2016-07-25 09:45:00
.Net C# Ico Spring.Net
☆ 资料说明:☆ Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier; Providing components based on proven design patterns that can be integrated into all tiers of your application architecture, Spring helps increase development productivity and improve application quality and performance; ☆ 文件清单:☆ Spring.NET- Spring.NET-1.3.2.exe Spring.NET-1.3.2-API.chm ☆ 相关网址:☆ Spring.NET 主页网址: http://www.springframework.net/index.html Spring.NET 下载网址: http://www.springframework.net/download.html