更新时间:2018-01-29 11:08:32
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim ms As Boolean Dim Info, temp As String Dim p, p1, p2, i As Integer Dim Ch ' Begin of Time Show Process If ModemState <> LOGIN And SocketState <> CONNECTED Then 'it is not a multiusers game Exit Sub Else If (S_R = 1) And (TURN = BLACKP) Then Black_Time = Black_Time + Time - Start_Time TimeB.Caption = CDate(Black_Time / 200) Else If (S_R = 1) And (TURN = WHITEP) Then White_Time = White_Time + Time - Start_Time TimeW.Caption = CDate(White_Time / 200) Else If (S_R = 0) And (TURN = WHITEP) Then Black_Time = Black_Time + Time - Start_Time TimeB.Caption = CDate(Black_Time / 200) Else If (S_R = 0) And (TURN = BLACKP) Then White_Time = White_Time + Time - Start_Time TimeW.Caption = CDate(White_Time / 200) End If End If End If End If End If 'End If ' End of Time Show Process