更新时间:2012-12-03 16:02:38
Overview A reassembler is a special kind of disasssembler not only viewing source code, but creating source file for new asm project as well. And ReAVR is a reassembler for AVR, generating source code from intel hex binaries. Features are: - output syntax selectable for ICCAVR, ICCtiny, IAR, GNU and Atmel assembler, - whole AVR instruction set supported, - labels "L<6or4hex>:" with BRanch, (R)CALL and (R)JMP instructions, - labels "D<4hex>:" with LDS/STS addresses, - user definitions for io registers, LDD/STD offsets and immediate data, - asm directives for unknown instructions, - asm directives for constants. Symbolic names all may be redefined during disassembling session except for bit names; further you can define "Const Blocks" and "Quick DWs“ to exclude byte arrays/single words from being disassembled. A search function is available on output, too. ReAVR runs under any 32-bit Windows.