LPIC-1 Linux_Professional_Institute_Certification_Study_Guide,_2nd_Edition

时间:2014-05-20 05:39:21
文件名称:LPIC-1 Linux_Professional_Institute_Certification_Study_Guide,_2nd_Edition
更新时间:2014-05-20 05:39:21
Linux Certification Guide Introduction Why should you learn about Linux? It’s a fast-growing operating system, and it is inexpensive and flexible. Linux is also a major player in the small and mid-sized server field, and it’s an increasingly viable platform for workstation and desktop use as well. By understanding Linux, you’ll increase your standing in the job market. Even if you already know Windows or Mac OS and your employer uses these systems exclusively, understanding Linux will give you an edge when you’re looking for a new job or if you’re looking for a promotion. For instance, this knowledge will help you to make an informed decision about if and when you should deploy Linux. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has developed its LPI-1 certification as an introductory certification for people who want to enter careers involving Linux. The exam is meant to certify that an individual has the skills necessary to install, operate, and troubleshoot a Linux system and is familiar with Linux-specific concepts and basic hardware. The purpose of this book is to help you pass both of the LPI-1 exams (101 and 102). Because these exams cover basic Linux command-line tools, software management, hardware configuration, filesystems, the X Window System, the boot process, scripts, security, documentation, administration, and networking, those are the topics that are emphasized in this book. You’ll learn enough to manage a Linux system and how to configure it for many common tasks. Even after you’ve taken and passed the LPI 101 and 102 exams, this book should remain a useful reference. This book has undergone its own testing and certification by ProCert (http://www .procertcom.com/labs_quicklinks/ql_latm.html). This means that you can rest assured that the book covers the LPI objectives.


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