更新时间:2015-03-15 17:27:34
prompt$ sedsed --help usage: sedsed OPTION [-e sedscript] [-f sedscriptfile] [inputfile] OPTIONS: -f, --file add file contents to the commands to be parsed -e, --expression add the script to the commands to be parsed -n, --quiet suppress automatic printing of pattern space --silent alias to --quiet -d, --debug debug the sed script --hide hide some debug info (options: PATT,HOLD,COMM) --color shows debug output in colors (default: ON) --nocolor no colors on debug output --dump-debug dumps to screen the debugged sed script --emu emulates GNU sed (INCOMPLETE) --emudebug emulates GNU sed debugging the sed script (INCOMPLETE) -i, --indent script beautifier, prints indented and one-command-per-line output do STDOUT --prefix indent prefix string (default: 4 spaces) -t, --tokenize script tokenizer, prints extensive command by command information -H, --htmlize converts sed script to a colorful HTML page