时间:2024-05-15 11:39:22




更新时间:2024-05-15 11:39:22


EXEC模式 用户模式 对交换机和路由器的有限操作 命令提示符为 主机名> 主要有两个命令模式提供命令键入. 模式一: * Slide 1 of 2 Purpose: This slide describes the user EXEC模式. Emphasize: Present the operational aspects of user EXEC模式. Tell your students that this command level allows them to access only a limited amount of basic monitoring commands. Emphasize that they need to look carefully at the command prompter to make sure that they are in the appropriate mode for the command that they want to enter into the network device. If your class can remember this, this will eliminate (or at least reduce) the number of times that you have to point out that a lab step is failing because the student is in user mode rather than in enabled mode. Transition: An introduction of privileged (or enabled) mode.
