
时间:2024-05-15 11:39:41




更新时间:2024-05-15 11:39:41


在路由器上过滤vty 五个VTY (0 到 4) 路由器的vty端口可以过滤连接 在路由器上执行vty访问的控制 0 1 2 3 4 Virtual ports (vty 0 through 4) Physical port e0 (Telnet) Console port (direct connect) console e0 * Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: Emphasize: Instead of applying a standard access-list to a physical interface, now we will apply a standard access-list to the router’s vty ports. A vty port is a logical port on the router that can accept telnet sessions. Note: Access-class is used to filter incoming telnet session into the router’s vty ports and to filter outgoing telnet session from the router’s vty port. Access-class always use standard access-list to match the source address of the incoming telnet session and the destination address of the outgoing telnet session. The 2500 series router by default has 5 vty ports (vty 0 through 4). To configure more vty ports, use the following global configuration command: RouterB(config)#line vty 0 ? <1-188> Last Line number
