.NET开发OPC Server(OPC基金会)

时间:2012-09-28 03:41:15

文件名称:.NET开发OPC Server(OPC基金会)



更新时间:2012-09-28 03:41:15

.NET C# OPC Server OPC基金会

This version of the OPC .NET API supports .NET 2.0 and has been tested on Windows Vista. The OPC .NET API is primarily intended to provide interoperability between existing OPC specifications and applications developed in the .NET environment. The API does support COM based and SOAP/XML based servers via the same set of interfaces, however, the API does not introduce new concepts or data models. In other words, the .NET API is intended provide an intermediate step between the existing OPC technologies and the new technologies which are part of the Unified Architecture initiative.

OPC .NET API 2.00 Source Code.msi
OPC .NET API 2.00 Readme.htm


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  • 一般吧,有点旧了,用VB和C#编的,不是C++。
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  • 感谢分享,但是我用vs2015打开时,有几个项目迁移失败了
  • 挺实用的,不错
  • 资源不错,用C#实现了OPC client
  • 资源不错,用C#实现了OPC client,参考价值很大,但是资源标题容易误导是用C#开发OPC Server。 不过还是很感谢分享这样一个资源。
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  • 感觉没有什么用呀!
  • 版本有点老,谢谢分享
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  • 感谢分享,可以用,就是有点旧!
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  • 版本有点老,还是谢谢分享
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