文件名称:UDP 协议栈STACK
更新时间:2015-08-17 10:28:59
UDP 协议栈
UDP 协议栈 IP。V1.3 - ARP timeout and ability to reset the ARP IP/MAC cache Migration notes: v1.2 to v1.3 - UDP_complete_nomac and IP_Complete_nomac have generics to specify clock rate and ARP timeout, and an additional control input. The generics can be left at their default values, the control input should have clear_cache set to '0'. V1.2 - Added handling for receipt of IP pkts with broadcast address ff.ff.ff.ff. Added is_broadcast flag to IP RX hdr. - Added ability to transmit IP pkts to broadcast address. Migration Notes: V1.1 to V1.2 - IP_RX_HDR has an additional output signal to indicate the IP pkt was received on the broadcast address. V1.1 - Added mac_tx_tfirst output to assist coupling to MAC layers that require a start of frame indication.